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Using Final Cut Pro, Julie Talen (PRETEND, 2003) edited a multichannel narrative of activists' experiences during the NYC peace demonstrations of February 15th, 2003. The footage came from 60 different videographers present at the demonstration. The hundreds of thousands in NYC calling to halt the war in Iraq demonstrated along with millions worldwide. President George W. Bush referred to them as a "focus group," and years later his claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction remains unfounded.
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Reviewer:Vinnie For Friends Only
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October 9, 2004 (edited)
This film is a true piece of art and a genuine historical document
I imagine that the original quality of the videos was not that good, that the sound was maybe bad. But it really doesn't matter. The movie is an original mix of the pictures from the 60 cameras, running at different locations and at the same time to create an amazing pot-pourrit of videos. And it works. Sometimes your attention drift from one video to another, according to the soundtrack. Sometime you have to make you choice, as you see the same event from different locations. Sometime you got full screen, sometime you got as much as 60 videos in the screen. And there is more of course. This document is accurate record of what happenned in the streets of NYC at that time. It gives it all to you. Make your own opinion. Was this people lobbyists? Anarchists? Black block members? Manipulated simple minded lefist? See by yourself, I definetly recommend it.